SouthALACADA's Mission Statement

SouthALACADA's goal is to enhance and inspire academic advisors at the University of South Alabama. SouthALACADA will provide professional development and programming for advisors at the institution to help foster the educational growth of the academic advising community across campus. SouthALACADA as an allied member of NACADA will uphold the values and integrity of the academic advising profession.


SouthALACADA Officers

Office Name Email Address
President Bria Cox
Vice President Cassie Beth Gannaway
Communications Coordinator Joshua Goldman
Event Coordinator Kora Myers
Liaison Catherine Preston


SouthALACADA Presentations

The Six Phases of Appreciative Advising (2016-2017)

  1. The Disarm Phase 
  2. The Discover Phase
  3. The Dream Phase
  4. The Design Phase
  5. The Deliver Phase
  6. The Don't Settle Phase